The home represents a variety of different things for individuals. It can be a place of safety. A new home can keep your family secure from the outside elements, and from the dangers which society brings in many forms. A home can be a place of fellowship. Homeowners use their new homes as places where family members can gather for holidays, and even for small get-togethers. A new home can represent an investment, or a life goal achieved. As a homeowner, you are no longer renting a location with no hope of ever owning it. For many people, this is a huge step in the progression of their lives, and in some cases is the ultimate goal for many new homeowners.
When you purchase a home there will be certain things which you’ll need to do to keep your family members healthy. This might include baby proofing your home for infants. This can mean ensuring that your home is safe for any senior citizens which might reside in your new home. One main health-related issue which you need to tackle is the air quality of your home. We’ll provide information on how the air quality of your new home can impact your family.
Air Quality and Seniors
Let’s say that you’ve moved into a new home, and you have a senior citizen who is making the move with you. After ensuring that your home is “senior” safe (ex. removing throw rugs, adding textured no-slip strips in the bathtub, and putting nonskid treads on stairs), another thing which you should look into is improving the air quality of your new home. In addition to experiencing energy savings by installing new air systems or having these air systems repaired, you can also vastly improve the air quality of your home. By enhancing the air quality of your home, you lessen the risk of having the health of a senior being compromised.
Poor air quality can increase the risk of the development of respiratory diseases in seniors, acute lower respiratory infections, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, while also aggravating various existing allergies. Carcinogens from cigarette smoke, allergens, microparticles, pet dander, and fumes from household cleaning products can also affect the health of seniors in your household. This is where a healthy air system comes into play. When you are deciding on how much energy your ductless HVAC system will use another thing you’ll want to ask is how a ductless HVAC system can help improve your home’s air quality.
Unlike a space heater, ductless HVAC systems can help those seniors who suffer from allergies. There are HVAC air systems that include air purification technology. When you call a local HVAC specialist to send out an installer to your home, make sure to ask them questions about improving your home’s air quality. They’ll be the one’s who have a wide and varied knowledge of such HVAC related terms as mini-split systems, ductless heat, a ductless unit, a condenser, and central air conditioners.
Before researching 6 family planning tips for older parents, you’ll first want to research and contact HVAC professionals about your home’s air quality. Ask these professionals about how repairing on installing many of the above-mentioned HVAC-related appliances can improve the air quality for seniors in your home.
Air Quality and Children
Children can be affected by poor air quality just as badly as seniors can. The medical care of those in the senior age range should definitely factor into the concerns of improving your new home’s air quality. The medical care and health concerns of children are just as important though. Repairing, improving, or replacing the air system/air quality of your home should be a priority for the whole family, but especially important for children.
To begin with, the chemicals in household cleaning products that we use regularly can be harmful to children. Kids tend to be more susceptible to irritation from hazardous chemicals. Toxic chemical fumes from furnishings and office products also contain volatile organic compounds which can be irritating, or dangerous if breathed in by children. Particles that are tracked into your home can also create health issues for children who suffer from respiratory ailments like asthma, or who have allergies.
Some of the common side effects for children who suffer from poor air quality include headaches, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, dizziness, and inflammation of mucus tissue. These are just one of the many ways in which poor air quality in your home can create health issues for your family.